Rafallol Wrote:Now i feel old 
U should have know that discussion would come back to haunt u :wink: 8)
Rafallol Wrote:Now i feel old 
Join the club. There isn't too many of us old guys around.
Just wait until you get Diabeetus!!!!!!
i would like to know how many hosp i have done in the last year and half,so i realy think knowing the top 5 hospiers would be sweet, also might bring some mmoney and players would stop mailing everybody saying will you hosp such in such for money
do you just want another tag?

shadowinc Wrote:i would like to know how many hosp i have done in the last year and half,so i realy think knowing the top 5 hospiers would be sweet, also might bring some mmoney and players would stop mailing everybody saying will you hosp such in such for money
Huh? and PS.... I hosp for money Almost anyone... almost 8)
emocakes Wrote:do you just want another tag? 
stay on topic or do not post, simple