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Full Version: why do i have to zerk?
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why do i have to zerk someone i should easily be able to hosp?i can win with a leave in 10 rounds yet if i hosp the same person i bite off..i shouldnt have to zerk if i can beat them so easily..why is that?
Randomness sucks Sad


Because it is that much harder to hosp someone. We have all been on the receiving end of this at some point.

People I can beat easily I will sometimes have trouble hosping and vice versa.


Choosing the hospitalization option gives a boost to your opponent, making it harder, sometimes much harder to win.


It's pretty rough, the drop/raise when attacking in hospitalize/berserk rage.


TommiTheTaco Wrote:It's pretty rough, the drop/raise when attacking in hospitalize/berserk rage.

i agree, but both there for good reason i suppose.


how much of a boost do they get?


I've been able to hosp someone when I bit off on a zerk...I don't think it's the hosp code, I think it's the attack code in general. Just stockpile those stims.


didnt you make a big deal about yourself retiring? i ask because you made a really big deal out of it. throw a lil attention tantrum?
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