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Full Version: i see 4 SV gym rats
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..? Howlsong..Just shut up..My IQ drops every time you open your mouth..Spare me having to read your retarded banter in this topic, along with every other topic..Your words mean nothing more than horsecrap..
TommiTheTaco Wrote:..? Howlsong..Just shut up..My IQ drops every time you open your mouth..Spare me having to read your retarded banter in this topic, along with every other topic..Your words mean nothing more than horsecrap..
Sorry Tommi, I don't think their are negative IQ's but if you keep listening to her you might just break your record for lowest IQ in a functioning environment.
Conrad1103 Wrote:Ush...looks like you're closing in on them on the gym rat list now. lol

Well you know what they say, "When you beat them, join'em."

It's fun trinaing 1 energy point at a time, makes you fly up the list, lol
thatthingufear Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:..? Howlsong..Just shut up..My IQ drops every time you open your mouth..Spare me having to read your retarded banter in this topic, along with every other topic..Your words mean nothing more than horsecrap..
Sorry Tommi, I don't think their are negative IQ's but if you keep listening to her you might just break your record for lowest IQ in a functioning environment.

Seriously..What makes you think you're tough, kid..? Your gang followed right after PC and failed worse than them..Could you step down from attempting to make an insult and crawl back in the hole you came from..? The only place where you can fail in safety..?


the only thing I see here is a war that is still going on but not with attacking it has entered the battle of minds.(maybe I am wrong but from what i gathered so far, just correct me if i am wrong) lets just sit back and see who can argue there side better.
Hmm..You know that's absurd, right..? There's no arguing who's going to quit first..There's only one side becoming completely dominant, and that ain't going to happen for a while..


no not absurd at all many people can win wars just by making one belive they have lost. A person who can win a war without fighting is better than one who can win by fighting.
That is pretty absurd, too..You have thought, and you have action..If you use thought, you're going to get smacked..If you use action, you're more likely to get smacked..If you use them together, it's better in the long-run, since it creates strategy and plot..

You can't have one without the other, otherwise it'll be fairly quick you'll drop and have nothing to show for it..


TommiTheTaco Wrote:Hmm..You know that's absurd, right..? There's no arguing who's going to quit first..There's only one side becoming completely dominant, and that ain't going to happen for a while..

SunTzu Wrote:no not absurd at all many people can win wars just by making one belive they have lost. A person who can win a war without fighting is better than one who can win by fighting.

well said
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