LikeWhoa Wrote:question: were the original classes developed for non-donators?
i would think so.
they are a decent base for players who stick around long enough to finish them.
keep these ideas rolling! they are looking really good!
Maybe separate the careers into physical (END) and intellectual (INT). Once you reach rank 4 or 5 in your chosen career and have completed the other school, you can take the grad school (Similar to what Marlo described). Physical courses earning 1000, 2000, and 3000 end. points each and Intellectual courses would earn the same in intel points.
Physical: Martial Arts, Military, Construction, Athletics
Intellectual: Medical, Science, politics, Manufacturing, Engineering
nathanket Wrote:Maybe separate the careers into physical (END) and intellectual (INT). Once you reach rank 4 or 5 in your chosen career and have completed the other school, you can take the grad school (Similar to what Marlo described). Physical courses earning 1000, 2000, and 3000 end. points each and Intellectual courses would earn the same in intel points.
Physical: Martial Arts, Military, Construction, Athletics
Intellectual: Medical, Science, politics, Manufacturing, Engineering
Given Zen's statement that they should be for dev points only, I think something like this makes the most sense. At the level a player will be doing this, 500 or so dev points in accuracy won't mean much, and definitely won't be worth the EP/AP spent on the course. The point award will have to be balanced with the effort put in. If we use AP, we can convert it to crime payouts and a discounted $$ amount converted to credits. There should be incentive to complete the course, but not an unbalancing effect.
Of course, 50 dev points in rep for completing the program (3rd course) would be nice too.
The way I see it is this:
We have 9 careers. In order to achieve in any career you need to study it first. Anyone can do a job but to excel at it you have to be trained.
I like Marlos 3 lvl idea so after completion of all current school classes you would graduate onto college/university pre-career courses
These courses on completion would give a better return on career points spent in your given field
Engineering - Structural engineering degree course - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Martial arts - Dan lvl training - 1st, 5th and 10th Dan
Military - Military training - Cadet, Soldier, Officer
Construction - Architecture - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Athletics - Sports scholarship - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Medical - Doctorate - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Science - Biogenetics - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Politics - Govermental studies - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Manufacturing - Product design - Degree, Masters, PHD (or US equivalent)
Basic requirements for the 3 lvls would be
a) completion of all school courses
b) lvl 1 - Career lvl3, intelligence lvl6, reputation 3, lvl22 character
lvl2 - Career lvl5, intelligence lvl8, reputation 4, lvl30 character
lvl3 - Career lvl7, intelligence lvl10, reputation 5, lvl40 character
This would give a player scope to really hone in on one career yet for a player playing over a long period of time the ability to master 2 or 3. For the player that plans to play this game for years and years this would give him 27 new courses to study.
Actually studying the course should be the same as the classes are now and run in the background as long as you are active. every day you log in adds +1 to the days studied. after 60, 90, 120 days. You graduate and the returns for each course increase. Where construction currently returns 4 strength I envisage it increasing to 6,8,12 a 50% increase on them all at every lvl.
Moriarty Wrote:a) completion of all school courses
b) lvl 1 - Career lvl3, intelligence lvl6, reputation 3, lvl22 character
lvl2 - Career lvl5, intelligence lvl8, reputation 4, lvl30 character
lvl3 - Career lvl7, intelligence lvl10, reputation 5, lvl40 character
after you complete all school course you'll have 7 intel, so i suggest a level 8 intel requirement for *the bold part*, 8 intel is not hard to get after one took all the current classes
Moriarty Wrote:Where construction currently returns 4 strength I envisage it increasing to 6,8,12 a 50% increase on them all at every lvl.
Great breakdown and amendments Mor. The only thing is the dev. point conversion increases. They seem a little high. Otherwise, I like the individual career expansions.
A fair point. 8,10,12 seems fair
Those dev point increases not only seem unbalanced, but would make the gym obsolete.
zenith Wrote:Those dev point increases not only seem unbalanced, but would make the gym obsolete.
For those to work it'd have to be perhaps a .5 increase or less, and all careers would have to have the same multipliers, or at least each have a 4x multiplier in a battle stat.
That then dictates what career we choose from there on out...which is something I wasn't fond of with skills as much making us choose our weapon for the rest of our AL careers. So I'm not so sure about changing the multipliers.
At lvl 5 athlete I get around 100 career points each day. If I spend them on Strength I get a return of 200 strength development points. I can train 200 Dev points in just over 2.2 trains.
Each lvl is + 50% so 3 then 4.5 then 6 and lvl 7 career so perhaps 140 career points
140 * 6 is 840 equivalent of 9 trains per day at my current lvl. completig all 3 new college courses would take at least 8 months by which time my gym trains would be considerably more so still only the equivalent of 4 to 5 gym trains.
Doesnt seem that excessive to me.
The END increase for athlete would only be .15 .225 .3 which at lvl7 career would only be 50 Dev points for END per day. Still not that excessive IMO
I doubt anyone would stop training for the equivalent of 5 gym trains or they would fall way behind