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Full Version: No 'bail' option - is this normal?
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Well ya can't just quit cold turkey. My activity has decreased dramatically if you follow my char close enough.

I've actually been told by Zen that the max bite off hosp time so far has been 94 minutes. I tied that record, but I've been trying to break it at a bite off time of 95 minutes. The last attempt was just for fun where I was going to try to put it in my signature that I defeated Pun.

As Rambo said, epic fail.


Heh ive played for a full 80 mins non stop now.woot me.Back to log in for skills tmoz.I dont miss the 16 hours days in the slightest,just bored atm :?
I think the bail option is removed when it exceeds the total amount of cash in AL.


6756 Rendezvous 36 94 Bit off more than they could chew with AndaPuninapeartree.

Is it possible to get 95 minutes? Tied the record twice now.
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