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some are probably wanting on the right time to come back,,if they paid the cash for the gang who are you to say it should be takin from them,,to many republicans if u ask me take from the poor so the rich get richer.i bet these are the same ones asking for the stimulus check.get a MF job
Who cares about the $.

I say just clean it up.

Server space, if you want to see it that way.

Wich main city keeps 80% of its building falling apart with corpses around?

Are you getting your attitude back Slim? Now that Mace is gone.

But they don't know you like I know you Slim, no one does.


lol good post no one does!!if i didn't have the attitude who would slim shady be.Im the real SlimShady all the others imitating.


I don't have anything against MACE. He is a great guy, just like Bigrod, wich I still talk to once in a while.

Don't get confused.

Never ran with a click - I'm a posse
Kamikaze, strappin a motherdrekin bomb across me
From the second I was born, my momma lost me
I'm a cross between Manson, Esham and Ozzy
I don't know why the drek I'm here in the first place
My worst day on this earth was my first birthday
Retarded? What did that nurse say? Brain damage?
Drek, I was born during the earthquake


This man got some flows preach it preacher, while i ditcha for ya sister ,hit it in the back bleacher ,get caught by a teacher,just playin had to mess with ya!!!nobody out flows SlimShady.


i nominate preacher for the post of the day for that creative flow,hope to see more challengers, with all the brilliant minds al has to offer
stalker8929 Wrote:i nominate preacher for the post of the day for that creative flow,hope to see more challengers, with all the brilliant minds al has to offer

Sorry man. It is a nice gesture of yours, but I can't accept it. Seeing that you were the "real" one, i tought you would recognize your own lyrics.
Owned! :shock:
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