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Full Version: Is it ok?
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11-4 server time or when ever i pass out anyone i can beat expect chaos
i think it is different if you plan on a drunk rampage in advance..haha
uh yeah... drunken rampages are not planned, You are planning on drinking and doing what ever you want!

I have pulled these drunken acts and although fun I would never plan it..
its pretty much what i do.

not as much as i used to though.
Yea bro Give them hell!!!!!
Yes it is. im going hosping tonight, only friends though. love you all!!
superdude Wrote:Yes it is. im going hosping tonight, only friends though. love you all!!

Can i be your friend?
Ill try! 8) i let you try awhile back! lol
sorry im late but here it goes
Thank yo uto all who participated. I added you all to my friends list! 8)
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