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I would be willing to do this. I don't care if anyone knows my stats, and I can promise to not tell anyone what the gang's info is and I'm sure someone could vouch for me that I'm trustworthy.
This all becomes fairly moot if the GCB is based upon your time in the gang in anyway. So I would have to say Zen would need to confirm or deny this before any experiment could take place.
i don't care who knows my stats but there is no way i'll let any player from valhalla come in the gang(no offence intended it's just how i feel)
Their are enough Shadow gangs why don't we just have a shadow member jump from the different Shadow gangs.


This could work if we have enough spread in the gang bonus between them.
I would think that you would need to is have one of the members of the super gangs, Which i am sure all have gcp of at least 3 or higher, at the same target four times while in the gang and four time out of the gang. And then compare the differences.
Allright, I got somekind of an answer, wich means the whole experimention won't work.

Quote:Sender : Zenith [2]
Date : 4 December 08 @ 3:30:38 am
Subject : RE:Let me know

You don't get much benefit if you don't have many days in the gang
Evil aren't I?


zenith Wrote:Evil aren't I?

Yes. It is unfair to those of us who leave to do credit deals in other gang vaults and then return to our own gangs with days in gang reset to 0. Yet the credit market is unsafe for one-to-one transactions.


Lucky666 Wrote:i don't care who knows my stats but there is no way i'll let any player from valhalla come in the gang(no offence intended it's just how i feel)

awwww schucks im hurt, that mean you wont accept my application :cry:
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