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Full Version: Have an early Very Merry 'X'mas all!
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Looks like power leveling has a unknown side affect. It will deteriorate the interest in AL slowly through time.

Anyway, Good Luck with everything! You came a long way.


iceman2020 Wrote:It's a love/hate relationship.

I did keep one out of the hosp due to he's a Colts fan. Can't put them in. (Btw, if someone bashes the Colts..I have 17,000 more credits I'm not afraid to use Wink )

oh you mean the team that jerk bob irsay packed up in the middle of the night during the winter of 1984 and moved out of baltimore without so much as a thanks or goodbye? you know, the one that johnny unitas wanted to have nothing to do with once they left (god rest his soul).



I was thinking more the one in 2006 where the Colts were more physical and had a better defense than the Ravens in the Ravens' house during the Colts run to the Super Bowl. That one.


colts are a good solid team but i have to question there coachs these are the same guys that wanted to bench manning a few weeks cant bench peyton he is the team
Have a good life.


stalker8929 Wrote:colts are a good solid team but i have to question there coachs these are the same guys that wanted to bench manning a few weeks cant bench peyton he is the team

We were gonna bench Manning? :shock:...jeez, I live 5-10 minutes walking distance from Lucas Oil, and I didn't even know this.


I never heard any talk of benching Payton


Kent Brockman: Kent Brockman here for a followup with Springfield's favorite
hard-luck family, the Simpsons. Folks, any words for the Christmas thief if he's watching?

Homer: Eh, yes.. Kent. Uh, hello... jerk. We may never find you, and we should probably all stop looking. But one thing's for sure -- you do exist.

Kent Brockman: Strong words, strong bewildering words.


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