the next part of your story zen, its killing me to know what the new npcs are up to :roll:
Same here. I would like to know too since I am a little more active now.
08.November.21 - Added a few new NPCs to the game. What they arrived for no one knows.
Perhaps there will be a future story.
Maybe she needs to be encouraged. Anyway I'm curious about how many gym hours a businessman has to spend to hit like that guy does...

come on zen you can do it, i have the upmost faith in your ability in making it a great add to the story line
Maybe a Corp that's a front for Yakuza or other baddies organized crime sent them here to try to iron out a financial foothold in Dectaur, dethrone Enrico's squad as the monopoly for aquiring new and expensive tech maybe?
Otherwise known as rivalry.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Otherwise known as rivalry.
Ya don't say?
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Otherwise known as rivalry.
Indeed. I wasn't suggesting a new thought, just thought I'd expound a bit on your trysyllabic answer.