SlimShady leave win 19 8 1,499 3 47 304
Why would you move to midlan???
he still didn't pay me
anyone for a new contes??
all lvls can participate...

10:57 pm
New! You received $5,000 from SlimShady
next bad man axe - your a bad man next,,unless i post the name it wanksters want attention,,ill deal with them after the completion
Time Event Actions
11:03 pm SlimShady attacked you and lost.
he's askin for somethin
any one has any ideeas?
wtg AXe u have come a long way
yah i took him in ha and hes trained hard, hes going to be leaveing us tho unfortunatly soon. but he will be back
ask anyone im nothing but fair bring on the val members i dont care for them and they dont care for me if i lose im fair about it, i pay,, how dare you to call me a cheat,, this man is crying about attacking me as soon as i got out of the hosp, you sir are a wanker and a cheater and a disgrace to this friendly completion.i would be ashamed to have u represent my gang tag.and if u can beat me step up lets keep our gangs out of it,hosp war me and you and lets leave our gangs and do this,, i might let you play again