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Full Version: The mystery $1
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Looks like CharlieBrown a new player is giving out $1 to onlines. HMMM, should I stay logged in and see if I get another? lol lol lol

Thanks guy, you are pretty cool for being a new player. Let me know if you need anything. Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
He is pretty cool. Smile
Recieved one too. 8)
Got 11 Bucks from mr. brown, was about to message him and see what it's about, thanks for the holiday cheer charlie, bright future in al to you my friend.
i also.stuff


errorist Wrote:i also.stuff

i got a dollar i got a dollar i got a dollar hey hey hey hey.
He sent me a dollar and I sent him 250...he later sent the dollar back...
He sent me a dollar also so i did this to keep him sending dollars to people.

Time Sender Recipient Amount
December 27, 2008, 10:38:02 pm Balor [15151] MAJCharlieBrown [28229] $1,000
December 27, 2008, 9:49:03 pm MAJCharlieBrown [28229] Balor [15151] $1
Think about how many ppl sent him money back.... good scam CB good scam
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