Well, excuse me for asking. I'm not playing this game for years.
Mind lend me a hand or two to start the fire?
Humans burn so nicely.
ZhuSeth Wrote:
You mean Arnold?
He sucks.
For players with low reputations he gives almost no bonus.
I'm pretty sure we had no gymboree this month.
2/1/2009 908 658.76 20
2/2/2009 741 411.58 17
wrong, arnold is best for low rep players.
Ja I noticed, it gave me 4 extra dev points at best.
How did you figure that out?
ZhuSeth Wrote:
Ja I noticed, it gave me 4 extra dev points at best.
How did you figure that out?
Arnold doesn't like you. Too much of a puny mahn for him.
Riiight, yet I get almost double per training using The Zone.
Its random weather it will be the best trainer or worst trainer. You have to use it all day to see it, its best for low rep people because they can't use higher trainers normally.
thatthingufear Wrote:Its random weather it will be the best trainer or worst trainer. You have to use it all day to see it, its best for low rep people because they can't use higher trainers normally.
*sighs* Again, the most I got was 4 extra dev points per training, an increase of 15%.
I used Arnold all day long and reputation lower then mine can't be found.
The Zone gave me an increase of 50-60% per training.
So sorry if I disagree, for younger players gymboree is the best, not Arnold.
gymboree is better then arnold, but arnold is cheaper. Arnolds trains are random for everybody but low rep players can get a gym train from arnold that they normally couldn't get.