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Full Version: go into hiding
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basically, by forming a gang consisting of all the most powerful people in the game, you invited that kind of behaviour upon yourself.

Jack Daniels

matt5250 Wrote:yes, you don't get it.

Good thing is......I don't have to get it. As far as bringing anything on ourselves goes...I'm not sure what if any repricautions can be brought. I will ASK you to tone it down, or you may find out that your behavior may bring a hard time upon yourself


ya, uh-oh, I'm out of control posting things like "yes, you don't get it". chill man, I was actually agreeing with you, you don't get it because you've spent the last while as a part of the strongest gang and only recently are there any other people that you can't beat without fail. it's not anything against you, anyone tends not to relate to others frustrations if they don't also experience them, even me.
Pre-emptive lock before something bad happens. Sorry guys. Mail each other about it please.
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