zenith Wrote:Items were delayed due to real-world events, my apologies. The ghoulache will be released prior to any gym-day.
3 cheers for Zen
It says the items will be released before a gym day; it does not say the gymboree will be anytime soon.
don't be such a pessimist
For once, I don't mind getting those later.
I'll have to resist using them for a long time, and see how there value goes up over a few years.
Lucky666 Wrote:don't be such a pessimist
It's called being a realist.
Nice try though.
Oh Dear God (or Zen)... dont make gymboree till after i lvl and get my new house on tuesday...!!!
Or better yet make it on tuesday because many of us have vetrans day off.
thatthingufear Wrote:Or better yet make it on tuesday because many of us have vetrans day off.
I sure do !