Hey guys i have noticed that recently my crime that was usually getting me 90-100 dollars 75% of the time is now getting me about 20-30 dollars 50% of the time could anyone explain how i have become so noob all of a sudden???
I don't know, I started stealing classic cars and I recently started recieving the same amout if I was stealing a car. Now just for grins I stole a cluncker and low and behold, I got more money from the cluncker than I did for a car or a classic!
the problem you seem to be running into is something I have also experienced. this game seems unusually prone to large swings in yield. In addition to this, the yield variation (ie the minimum and maximum you recieve) is extremely large. too large in my opinion but unfortunately it's not up to me. I would guess that Zen introduced this to keep things interesting but personally I think it was taken a little too far.
Yea i think that mine is back to normal now but yea at one stage i was getting more for 4ap crimes then i was for 6ap crimes lol
Yeah i know how ya feel, getting 352$ for a 22ap crime isnt exactly the thing that puts a little sparkle to my day.
but guaranteing high cash gains from high crimes would almost make it certain that lower ranked people will never catch up. although making gains a bit less random would be nice.
I think the maximum yield should be at most twice the minimum yield. eg. instead of having the complex meth lab yield anywhere from 350-1600. make it like 675-1350 or so. then you can't get the really high ones, but you also can't get totally ripped off.
also, you could reduce the range while keeping the same average and that would not change a thing when talking about lower levels catching up.
it has something to say cause cash gain = better house and weapons. gives a chance to level up faster and to get better stats
short term it may not have much effects, but once we reach higher levels matt and start doing 40ap crimes we will get alot better houses cause of the high cash gain we have.
i can clarify better what i mean if you want. 
dru, as long as you keep the average yield from the crim the same. ie. getting 800-1200 instead of 400-1600. it doesn't change a thing. over the long run you get exactly the same amount of money. but personally I'd rather have the 800-1200 choice. cause getting 400 sucks too much.
Well put. I'll see what I can do about it.