Conrad1103 Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm sure that if you're going to the next level of skills in a real college, you're going to pay a little more for that advancement. May be wrong, though.
guess you havent been to college. nothing wrong with that - but keep your face shut if you dont know what youre talking about. 
Graduate school is much more expensive than obtaining a bachelor's degree and a bachelor's is much more expensive than the associate degree offerings.
been asking z for higher level schooling for the works?
g2o2d4wp Wrote:Conrad1103 Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm sure that if you're going to the next level of skills in a real college, you're going to pay a little more for that advancement. May be wrong, though.
guess you havent been to college. nothing wrong with that - but keep your face shut if you dont know what youre talking about. 
Graduate school is much more expensive than obtaining a bachelor's degree and a bachelor's is much more expensive than the associate degree offerings.
i've been to graduate school, dipshit. and if you think it cost $50k more than undergrade, you're a bigger idiot than i first thought.
owned, as usual.
grad for a masters is expensive if its private, but state-run schools arent that bad....where they get you is if you go doctorate and if you include housing and meals in the cost...then yeah....its way up there
Your point was that all levels of school should cost the same and I clearly gave evidence of the cost differential in education. I didn't even bring up the cost of preschool, elementary and high school expenses.
g2o2d4wp Wrote:Conrad1103 Wrote:TommiTheTaco Wrote:I'm sure that if you're going to the next level of skills in a real college, you're going to pay a little more for that advancement. May be wrong, though.
guess you havent been to college. nothing wrong with that - but keep your face shut if you dont know what youre talking about. 
Graduate school is much more expensive than obtaining a bachelor's degree and a bachelor's is much more expensive than the associate degree offerings.
I'm getting my masters now at the same school system I got my bachelors, and it is a TON more expensive.
So yes... going up in skill in real life is more expensive too.
g2o2d4wp Wrote:Your point was that all levels of school should cost the same and I clearly gave evidence of the cost differential in education. I didn't even bring up the cost of preschool, elementary and high school expenses.
private high school is more expensive than state-colleges, where im from.
i know the price of grad school, where i got my B.S. - it isnt that much difference.
i know the price of undergrate, where i got my M.S. - it isnt that much difference.
my point wasnt what you say - my point, is that skill 1 is $1000 (or whatever it was), and skill 10 is likely $100k....and that you wont see that kind of differential at the same college (freshman course to senior course. or undergrad to grad).
Conrad1103 Wrote:Lucky666 Wrote:i'm pretty sure no one apart from Zen managed to get to rank 10 because the higher the rank the bigger the exam cost(i think the test for rank 6 was around 50-60k)
as here to whine and cry about skills. its bad enough that you may fail the same test a few times - with an A, and a couple Bs...but its even worse if you have to pay this much to fail over and over.
the level 6 test is $36k. im sure once you get to level 8+ its getting close to $100k. why the heck should a test cost that much? we already paid our dues, by "studying" for it for 3-4 months. when you are paying $70k to take a test with a "B", i think we should get a gaurantee to pass. my mind will explode if i test for $70k+ with a B and fail. my blood pressure is going through the roof just thinking of the potential of this - or of failing with an A for a $100k test.
anyone in favor of a $50k limit on the tests? and/or....a guarantee "pass" with an A? i think both of these suggestions are reasonable.
Cash really isn't that hard to make in this game. A player at your level should have no trouble criming $100k in 2-3 days and considering that you are looking at a couple of months between exams (minimum) at higher skill levels the cash element is pretty reasonable IMWO.
As I mentioned in another thread nobody is putting a gun to your head and telling you to take a test with a B and there already is a guaranteed pass available at 100% complete.
I think the skill setup for the most part is fine. Only changes I would like to see is:
Abolish test days. Really is pointless in my view, I think putting a restriction of 1 exam attempt per day (pass or fail) would be a better format.
Reducing the penalty for exam failure. Losing 3 or 4 days study time for failing an exam is too harsh. a loss of 1 or 2 days study time seems more reasonable.
Conrad; Getting tired of your mouth. You're not hard. You're not cool. Quit acting like the hardass of the game because one more person that smacked your lips for your bull is gone. No one needs your nonsense.
Anyway, HERE in my town, the crap gets more expensive the higher the degree of skill it is..So, how's about YOU learn what you're talking about and shut YOUR face when you don't know what's going on.
Anyway...The raise in test costs is logical..Just not how big they come to increase. It gets way out of hand later on in your studies.
Quote:Abolish test days. Really is pointless in my view, I think putting a restriction of 1 exam attempt per day (pass or fail) would be a better format.
Reducing the penalty for exam failure. Losing 3 or 4 days study time for failing an exam is too harsh. a loss of 1 or 2 days study time seems more reasonable.
both excellent ideas, especially about losing 3 or 4 days study, would love to see this coded.