I just humped g2's couch!
Accipender Wrote:...and? We'll get it tomorrow.
No, its an activity contest acording to Zen. Its just that we were expecting something along those lines today.
thatthingufear Wrote:Accipender Wrote:...and? We'll get it tomorrow.
No, its an activity contest acording to Zen. Its just that we were expecting something along those lines today.
yeah your right bro i think we should get an endurance day aswell every valentine and every non-donator would have wanted the same.. screaw these contests
thatthingufear Wrote:Accipender Wrote:...and? We'll get it tomorrow.
No, its an activity contest acording to Zen. Its just that we were expecting something along those lines today.
More like a skill contest then activity.
ok people
the busting contest started so all of ya get in jail
Lucky666 Wrote:ok people
the busting contest started so all of ya get in jail
nah, im ok thanks
I'm trying .. it's not working
Marlo's post did it for me. Thats it, Im semi-retired. Contest is forthcoming............
PhisheVA Wrote:Marlo's post did it for me. Thats it, Im semi-retired. Contest is forthcoming............
Brett? present. Jermaine? present. Murray? present.
I moved you up a notch on my Friendship chart delpot.