Yo shadowkid can you please hosp crunchyblack for me because he hosped me for no reason!!!

"hey what color is your car?"
Ok, so- to most people, black is considered a colour. However, it's not. Black is in fact the absence of colour, as black absorbs all light, and the result is what we call black. Conversely, white reflects all light, and gives us what we see as white. Scientifically, and therefore realistically, black is NOT a colour since we're not actually getting one of the 7 shades reflected back at us, it's the absence of all colour. However, a common and popular misconception is that it is- since it's a popular 'colour' people wear, and there's no other way of describing it. Similarly for white, which is the combination of all colours. It's too difficult to describe black in a simple term, so rather than find ways round it it's now called a colour.
Which anyone should know it actually isn't. You could call metal wood for simplicity's sake, but that doesn't change what it is.
What about a rainbow coloured shirt? How come you see everysingle colour?
Iloveyoulongtime Wrote:What about a rainbow coloured shirt? How come you see everysingle colour?
I bet you have lots of those, eh?

No not really in fact i don't have any rainbow coloured shirts.
Iloveyoulongtime Wrote:Yo shadowkid can you please hosp crunchyblack for me because he hosped me for no reason!!! 
tut tut crunchy!
this guy is funny, and gives us free competitions!
and SK, i thought it was a clown too

Mace your what ever i said to longtime :shock: