intelligence should modify how many skill points you get per hour of study. flat amount on a decreasing scale of returns.
2 intel=1pnt
4 intel= 2 pnts
7 intel= 3
11 = 4
16 = 5
will help out trying to grind out the higher skill levels.
Intelligence is already a factor in skills, it's restricts how high you can train your skill.

InPaceRequiscat Wrote:intelligence should modify how many skill points you get per hour of study.
just a thought that intel should have a higher use.
InPaceRequiscat Wrote:intelligence should modify how many skill points you get per hour of study. flat amount on a decreasing scale of returns.
2 intel=1pnt
4 intel= 2 pnts
7 intel= 3
11 = 4
16 = 5
will help out trying to grind out the higher skill levels.
is this true? If yes,thanks for the information

That's not true.
He's just suggesting that as an idea.
But, your range for getting higher skill point per study will go up as your skill level goes up. That's a fact.