ZeonOne Wrote:See.. this is the best time for a messanger.
Have one trust worthy fellow from either SV or Dis left the gang to join the other gang to get the CR.
It's the safest way to do so.
Feel sorry for you bro.
Now. I wonder.. did SG ever get that 1 mil back?
they can see the hideout stats. i dont know how much that metters for them, but...
Or have a 'Send Credits' button. Maybe be able to label gangs with IDs, like players, and send credits via gang vaults with messages attached to 'em or something.
True but sometime people just click refresh alot on the cred market to see if there is any Good Deals which they see to be a good deal like now i guess.
would it help if i told you it was one of these guys?
Currently Active Users
1. LikeWoah 0 seconds
2. marshel 0 seconds
3. BrokeStatus 0 seconds
4. ValhallaNight 1 second
5. Moriarty 1 second
6. JaySin 1 second
7. CrashFistfight 1 second
8. PsYcHoTiCRaGe 1 second
9. Megatron 2 seconds
10. TadakatsuHonda 2 seconds
11. DarkFate 2 seconds
12. g2o2d4wp 4 seconds
13. Spikelancelot 4 seconds
14. Brugada 4 seconds
15. Seraphim 5 seconds
16. Airdawg 5 seconds
17. MrJones 5 seconds
18. rick321 6 seconds
19. TealJade 6 seconds
20. Zenith 7 seconds
21. Aenima 7 seconds
22. TheGreek 8 seconds
23. HalfManHalfMonsta 8 seconds
24. Jocasta 9 seconds
25. Echothrice 10 seconds
26. Jackal 10 seconds
27. Zeon 11 seconds
28. Infinite93 12 seconds
29. English 12 seconds
30. Rafal 16 seconds
31. Dragonqueen 18 seconds
32. Walhalla 23 seconds
33. thrillhouse 25 seconds
34. Behemoth 26 seconds
35. JohnRambo 27 seconds
36. PureSinVolcrum 30 seconds
37. Madmartigan 31 seconds
38. iLDuce 37 seconds
39. Bruenen 44 seconds
40. Maniac 45 seconds
41. ValhallaSoup 54 seconds
42. dracothe12th 55 seconds
43. Mace 57 seconds
44. torxim 59 seconds
45. Sleek 1 minute 5 seconds
46. Orik 1 minute 8 seconds
47. Kokozama 1 minute 13 seconds
48. OUiJA99 1 minute 14 seconds
49. wilson 1 minute 16 seconds
50. ShadowKid 1 minute 19 seconds
51. Vyper 1 minute 21 seconds
52. Luscio 1 minute 21 seconds
53. SHADOWGUARD 1 minute 24 seconds
54. TessmanianShedevil 1 minute 28 seconds
55. frereputis 1 minute 34 seconds
56. CaliGurl17 1 minute 34 seconds
57. Thorzten 1 minute 35 seconds
58. FrdKngCbra 1 minute 37 seconds
59. queenbee86 1 minute 42 seconds
60. Cheetah 1 minute 44 seconds
61. Captnhowdy 1 minute 52 seconds
62. YouOweMeStims 1 minute 55 seconds
63. DragonCJones 2 minutes
64. Shade 2 minutes 3 seconds
65. MrHyde 2 minutes 5 seconds
66. Dystopic 2 minutes 6 seconds
67. SuperDave 2 minutes 9 seconds
68. Cranked 2 minutes 11 seconds
69. Deep 2 minutes 19 seconds
70. maslina 2 minutes 21 seconds
71. TheBrahphet 2 minutes 26 seconds
72. ValhallasColdest 2 minutes 29 seconds
73. Chance 2 minutes 30 seconds
74. SGsOldLady 2 minutes 31 seconds
75. TheWhiteWolf 2 minutes 31 seconds
76. QQBig2 2 minutes 35 seconds
77. BoundByHonor 2 minutes 36 seconds
78. Conrad 2 minutes 36 seconds
79. Phisheva 2 minutes 43 seconds
80. Breeze 2 minutes 46 seconds
81. Royalt 2 minutes 48 seconds
82. Jhiieri 2 minutes 50 seconds
83. BlackMamba 2 minutes 55 seconds
84. ThorValhallason 2 minutes 59 seconds
85. SoaresDuarte 3 minutes 3 seconds
86. blitzwing 3 minutes 4 seconds
87. Ainemd 3 minutes 5 seconds
88. DebbiePinson 3 minutes 6 seconds
89. ValhallasJohnny 3 minutes 20 seconds
90. DiViNeMaYhEm 3 minutes 25 seconds
91. BigJoe 3 minutes 32 seconds
92. Vagabond 3 minutes 41 seconds
93. abysmalpoptart 3 minutes 42 seconds
94. Chopper 3 minutes 45 seconds
95. Weebay 3 minutes 46 seconds
96. Hannibal 3 minutes 58 seconds
97. BrewMaster 4 minutes 6 seconds
98. Preacher 4 minutes 9 seconds
99. Christain 4 minutes 10 seconds
100. CrushedBlood888 4 minutes 13 seconds
101. EvilLemming 4 minutes 16 seconds
102. Hops 4 minutes 18 seconds
103. thedeathcab 4 minutes 23 seconds
104. ValhallasMammaWolf 4 minutes 33 seconds
105. Accipender 4 minutes 42 seconds
106. Valhalla 4 minutes 47 seconds
107. BonesPhoenix 4 minutes 49 seconds
108. Flamez 5 minutes 7 seconds
109. LrrLtt 5 minutes 16 seconds
110. Marrklarr 5 minutes 20 seconds
111. caesar 5 minutes 20 seconds
112. killerrenegade 5 minutes 30 seconds
113. Sic300 5 minutes 41 seconds
114. Hiei 5 minutes 51 seconds
115. Valpot 6 minutes 11 seconds
116. Namida 6 minutes 11 seconds
117. ImInTheZoneChief 6 minutes 15 seconds
118. PrincessTinkerbell 6 minutes 27 seconds
119. SirQuimalot 6 minutes 33 seconds
120. CaptainRetard 6 minutes 33 seconds
121. Karma 6 minutes 33 seconds
122. fishtastefunny 6 minutes 41 seconds
123. Deathwing 6 minutes 48 seconds
124. jimmyg0504 6 minutes 52 seconds
125. Pun 6 minutes 54 seconds
126. dean1886 6 minutes 57 seconds
127. TheyCallMeTheSloth 7 minutes 6 seconds
128. necrophiliac 7 minutes 11 seconds
129. Evisorater 7 minutes 29 seconds
130. Rato 7 minutes 42 seconds
131. Shadowjack 7 minutes 46 seconds
132. PeterPetrelli 7 minutes 49 seconds
133. DOMB 7 minutes 51 seconds
134. blankcheck3 8 minutes 21 seconds
135. ChAiRiL 8 minutes 24 seconds
136. KcCashBrigade 8 minutes 32 seconds
137. BlackClouds 9 minutes 14 seconds
138. ShAdowAss 9 minutes 22 seconds
139. GhostRider 9 minutes 31 seconds
140. DontTemptMeIbiteBack 9 minutes 32 seconds
141. HisHolinessThePope 9 minutes 39 seconds
142. Dingus 9 minutes 40 seconds
143. darkkid52 9 minutes 45 seconds
144. porkchop 9 minutes 52 seconds
145. Tweener 10 minutes 5 seconds
146. hit 10 minutes 15 seconds
147. RedGin 10 minutes 18 seconds
148. DarkCodex 10 minutes 18 seconds
149. HeadeeBroosevelt 10 minutes 19 seconds
150. law 10 minutes 24 seconds
151. Clem 10 minutes 32 seconds
152. TiggolBitties 10 minutes 44 seconds
153. BDJoker37 10 minutes 49 seconds
154. vInDicaTed 11 minutes 27 seconds
155. BlackJeep 11 minutes 34 seconds
156. Carbon 11 minutes 44 seconds
157. zaxzax 12 minutes 22 seconds
158. Scorpio 12 minutes 32 seconds
159. Gum420 12 minutes 39 seconds
160. inLogik 12 minutes 45 seconds
161. TriadBoy 13 minutes 9 seconds
162. gemini4256 13 minutes 15 seconds
163. Playajam 13 minutes 17 seconds
164. HitmeAllYouWantIDC 13 minutes 20 seconds
165. Athena 13 minutes 34 seconds
166. ReluctantDreamer 13 minutes 39 seconds
167. BigWoolyMammoth 14 minutes 24 seconds
168. CornerstoreJunkie 14 minutes 26 seconds
169. Divinity 14 minutes 59 seconds
and then.... cross out the people on that list that is not on here. and BAM!
Top 50 Player Credit Totals
Rank User
1 {7}Laws T444e
2 }DIS{ Rafal
3 ^Spaced^ Conrad
4 gmoney96
5 {-C-} abysmalpoptart
6 SV Ronin
7 Judge Wraithlord
8 SV DontTemptMeIbiteBack
9 -X- BlackClouds
10 SV Cheetah
11 MOB BigRod
12 -X- DebbiePinson
13 }DIS{ iLDuce
14 -X- thrillhouse
15 {7}Sins AngelRinoa
16 SV Jackal
17 -}DIS{- ChocolateChipCookie
18 DonPrimo
19 ^V^ ThorValhallason
20 SV Bishop
21 -X- Shade
22 Thanatus
23 ^V^ BlackValhalla
24 shonkey
25 {|SGC|} AsgardThor
26 DanusMaximus
27 EmperorRetu
28 NiteSlayer
29 -X- RedGin
30 ~~dark~~ SwatiTheReapersGirl
31 daveyk
32 *RW* ssjtommo
33 SinCity AmazonAnnie
34 S}{WL killerrenegade
35 ^$paced^ WarDogKradha
36 -BAD- Deathwing
37 BloodElfMohawk
38 -X- WilliamR
39 {7}Laws PsYcHoTiCRaGe
40 RetiredLoki
41 $-QC-$ drchronic69
42 *RW* KcCashBrigade
43 BigPapiG
44 {7}Laws BlackHand
45 }DIS{ TheGreek
46 SV WhereDoTheseStairsGo
47 }DIS{ TheGeneral
48 ^Spaced^ Brugada
49 MassaKist
50 ^V^ Walhalla
Hah,thats so funny. I got punked like that once,the guy owned up but did not return them.Not much I could do as it was pullo.He/she mailed me and said thanx for the creds lol.
Suck it up buddy.It is a game of crime,opportunism and luck.I got spanked too :roll: Learn and move on mr :wink:
LikeWhoa Wrote:would it help if i told you it was one of these guys?
Currently Active Users
1. LikeWoah 0 seconds
2. marshel 0 seconds
3. BrokeStatus 0 seconds
4. ValhallaNight 1 second
5. Moriarty 1 second
6. JaySin 1 second
7. CrashFistfight 1 second
8. PsYcHoTiCRaGe 1 second
9. Megatron 2 seconds
10. TadakatsuHonda 2 seconds
11. DarkFate 2 seconds
12. g2o2d4wp 4 seconds
13. Spikelancelot 4 seconds
14. Brugada 4 seconds
15. Seraphim 5 seconds
16. Airdawg 5 seconds
17. MrJones 5 seconds
18. rick321 6 seconds
19. TealJade 6 seconds
20. Zenith 7 seconds
21. Aenima 7 seconds
22. TheGreek 8 seconds
23. HalfManHalfMonsta 8 seconds
24. Jocasta 9 seconds
25. Echothrice 10 seconds
26. Jackal 10 seconds
27. Zeon 11 seconds
28. Infinite93 12 seconds
29. English 12 seconds
30. Rafal 16 seconds
31. Dragonqueen 18 seconds
32. Walhalla 23 seconds
33. thrillhouse 25 seconds
34. Behemoth 26 seconds
35. JohnRambo 27 seconds
36. PureSinVolcrum 30 seconds
37. Madmartigan 31 seconds
38. iLDuce 37 seconds
39. Bruenen 44 seconds
40. Maniac 45 seconds
41. ValhallaSoup 54 seconds
42. dracothe12th 55 seconds
43. Mace 57 seconds
44. torxim 59 seconds
45. Sleek 1 minute 5 seconds
46. Orik 1 minute 8 seconds
47. Kokozama 1 minute 13 seconds
48. OUiJA99 1 minute 14 seconds
49. wilson 1 minute 16 seconds
50. ShadowKid 1 minute 19 seconds
51. Vyper 1 minute 21 seconds
52. Luscio 1 minute 21 seconds
53. SHADOWGUARD 1 minute 24 seconds
54. TessmanianShedevil 1 minute 28 seconds
55. frereputis 1 minute 34 seconds
56. CaliGurl17 1 minute 34 seconds
57. Thorzten 1 minute 35 seconds
58. FrdKngCbra 1 minute 37 seconds
59. queenbee86 1 minute 42 seconds
60. Cheetah 1 minute 44 seconds
61. Captnhowdy 1 minute 52 seconds
62. YouOweMeStims 1 minute 55 seconds
63. DragonCJones 2 minutes
64. Shade 2 minutes 3 seconds
65. MrHyde 2 minutes 5 seconds
66. Dystopic 2 minutes 6 seconds
67. SuperDave 2 minutes 9 seconds
68. Cranked 2 minutes 11 seconds
69. Deep 2 minutes 19 seconds
70. maslina 2 minutes 21 seconds
71. TheBrahphet 2 minutes 26 seconds
72. ValhallasColdest 2 minutes 29 seconds
73. Chance 2 minutes 30 seconds
74. SGsOldLady 2 minutes 31 seconds
75. TheWhiteWolf 2 minutes 31 seconds
76. QQBig2 2 minutes 35 seconds
77. BoundByHonor 2 minutes 36 seconds
78. Conrad 2 minutes 36 seconds
79. Phisheva 2 minutes 43 seconds
80. Breeze 2 minutes 46 seconds
81. Royalt 2 minutes 48 seconds
82. Jhiieri 2 minutes 50 seconds
83. BlackMamba 2 minutes 55 seconds
84. ThorValhallason 2 minutes 59 seconds
85. SoaresDuarte 3 minutes 3 seconds
86. blitzwing 3 minutes 4 seconds
87. Ainemd 3 minutes 5 seconds
88. DebbiePinson 3 minutes 6 seconds
89. ValhallasJohnny 3 minutes 20 seconds
90. DiViNeMaYhEm 3 minutes 25 seconds
91. BigJoe 3 minutes 32 seconds
92. Vagabond 3 minutes 41 seconds
93. abysmalpoptart 3 minutes 42 seconds
94. Chopper 3 minutes 45 seconds
95. Weebay 3 minutes 46 seconds
96. Hannibal 3 minutes 58 seconds
97. BrewMaster 4 minutes 6 seconds
98. Preacher 4 minutes 9 seconds
99. Christain 4 minutes 10 seconds
100. CrushedBlood888 4 minutes 13 seconds
101. EvilLemming 4 minutes 16 seconds
102. Hops 4 minutes 18 seconds
103. thedeathcab 4 minutes 23 seconds
104. ValhallasMammaWolf 4 minutes 33 seconds
105. Accipender 4 minutes 42 seconds
106. Valhalla 4 minutes 47 seconds
107. BonesPhoenix 4 minutes 49 seconds
108. Flamez 5 minutes 7 seconds
109. LrrLtt 5 minutes 16 seconds
110. Marrklarr 5 minutes 20 seconds
111. caesar 5 minutes 20 seconds
112. killerrenegade 5 minutes 30 seconds
113. Sic300 5 minutes 41 seconds
114. Hiei 5 minutes 51 seconds
115. Valpot 6 minutes 11 seconds
116. Namida 6 minutes 11 seconds
117. ImInTheZoneChief 6 minutes 15 seconds
118. PrincessTinkerbell 6 minutes 27 seconds
119. SirQuimalot 6 minutes 33 seconds
120. CaptainRetard 6 minutes 33 seconds
121. Karma 6 minutes 33 seconds
122. fishtastefunny 6 minutes 41 seconds
123. Deathwing 6 minutes 48 seconds
124. jimmyg0504 6 minutes 52 seconds
125. Pun 6 minutes 54 seconds
126. dean1886 6 minutes 57 seconds
127. TheyCallMeTheSloth 7 minutes 6 seconds
128. necrophiliac 7 minutes 11 seconds
129. Evisorater 7 minutes 29 seconds
130. Rato 7 minutes 42 seconds
131. Shadowjack 7 minutes 46 seconds
132. PeterPetrelli 7 minutes 49 seconds
133. DOMB 7 minutes 51 seconds
134. blankcheck3 8 minutes 21 seconds
135. ChAiRiL 8 minutes 24 seconds
136. KcCashBrigade 8 minutes 32 seconds
137. BlackClouds 9 minutes 14 seconds
138. ShAdowAss 9 minutes 22 seconds
139. GhostRider 9 minutes 31 seconds
140. DontTemptMeIbiteBack 9 minutes 32 seconds
141. HisHolinessThePope 9 minutes 39 seconds
142. Dingus 9 minutes 40 seconds
143. darkkid52 9 minutes 45 seconds
144. porkchop 9 minutes 52 seconds
145. Tweener 10 minutes 5 seconds
146. hit 10 minutes 15 seconds
147. RedGin 10 minutes 18 seconds
148. DarkCodex 10 minutes 18 seconds
149. HeadeeBroosevelt 10 minutes 19 seconds
150. law 10 minutes 24 seconds
151. Clem 10 minutes 32 seconds
152. TiggolBitties 10 minutes 44 seconds
153. BDJoker37 10 minutes 49 seconds
154. vInDicaTed 11 minutes 27 seconds
155. BlackJeep 11 minutes 34 seconds
156. Carbon 11 minutes 44 seconds
157. zaxzax 12 minutes 22 seconds
158. Scorpio 12 minutes 32 seconds
159. Gum420 12 minutes 39 seconds
160. inLogik 12 minutes 45 seconds
161. TriadBoy 13 minutes 9 seconds
162. gemini4256 13 minutes 15 seconds
163. Playajam 13 minutes 17 seconds
164. HitmeAllYouWantIDC 13 minutes 20 seconds
165. Athena 13 minutes 34 seconds
166. ReluctantDreamer 13 minutes 39 seconds
167. BigWoolyMammoth 14 minutes 24 seconds
168. CornerstoreJunkie 14 minutes 26 seconds
169. Divinity 14 minutes 59 seconds
It was not me i would not take creds off the market if it was a deal if it was someone i dont like then yeah. well theres no honor in stealing creds part of a deal or a trade.
I am the biggest Noob of the day. Rafal was beaten to buying them by pure chance by one second. I believe I posted last week that Id done this thousands of times and never failed. LMAO how that bit me in the ass.
To THRILLHOUSE. You are one quality stand up guy. I dont know how many others would have passed them back.
Case closed, but dont lock this thread, I think the community needs to mock me a bit longer yet.
Your were stupid for sure but WTG Thrillhouse,my estimation of you just went up.Stand up man and take the praise. Handshake's all around

andyscho Wrote:OK OK
I am the biggest Noob of the day. Rafal was beaten to buying them by pure chance by one second. I believe I posted last week that Id done this thousands of times and never failed. LMAO how that bit me in the arse.
To THRILLHOUSE. You are one quality stand up guy. I dont know how many others would have passed them back.
Case closed, but dont lock this thread, I think the community needs to mock me a bit longer yet.

HMMMM,,,Nope wont do it. just to easy
Glad you got them back , I do hope you at least gave a finders fee for the return.