Monsters stalk the earth. And Downtown Decatur isn't to be excluded. Players must ban together to fight these monsters. Basically Zen makes 3 bots that attack players. Players must find these bots and put them in the hosp. When you defeat a monster you get either a weapon, belt, armor, or a helmet. First three players to get all the items win. If a bot attacks you and wins you lose a item. As soon as they get out of the hosp they have full heath. The bots would be 3 different levels. bot #1 level 15. Bot # 2 level 28. Bot #3 level 42. If your power level is 13 higher then the bots you get no items from the bot. Except for the last Bot.
I should state that the bots would be weaker then their level. roughly 8 levels
nah make em really tough to beat but slow to recover HP. Perhaps dropping an item at random (3% chance) once defeated
Mock8800 Wrote:Monsters stalk the earth. And Downtown Decatur isn't to be excluded. Players must ban together to fight these monsters. Basically Zen makes 3 bots that attack players. Players must find these bots and put them in the hosp. When you defeat a monster you get either a weapon, belt, armor, or a helmet. First three players to get all the items win. If a bot attacks you and wins you lose a item. As soon as they get out of the hosp they have full heath. The bots would be 3 different levels. bot #1 level 15. Bot # 2 level 28. Bot #3 level 42. If your power level is 13 higher then the bots you get no items from the bot. Except for the last Bot.
how about, instead of having to hospitalize the bots, we have to hit them and try to do as much damage as possible until they malfunction. it will not die until it has been dealt 500,000 damage, and when it has, it shuts down. the player dealing the most damage (excluding credit refreshes) will win a prize. considering we are talking about straight up robots and not cyborgs or humans, every player has an equal chance of doing damage to the robots.