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Full Version: Why do people care about being on someone's enemy list?
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I have been inundated with "Can you take me off your enemy list now?" requests lately.

It boggles my mind that some people actually care about how many enemies they have.

Is it a self esteem issue, that some folks just want to be liked? I take take pride in the number of people who have me on their lists.

Does it really make someone feel better about themselves by moving down from 13 to 12 enemies?

Every time I get one of those requests -- I add two or three members of that player's gang (at random) to my enemy list -- just for poops and giggles, and because I know it will bother them a little bit.

If someone can explain to me the logic behind caring about the number of people who have them listed as enemies, I'd greatly appreciate hearing the other side of the story.

Guess this is another example of how we all play this game in different ways and for different reasons /


Dont bother me one bit i know where am on the enemy list do i care no.


I figure if you're on a lot of enemies lists you're making a good impact. It should be something to be proud of.


mudpies Wrote:I figure if you're on a lot of enemies lists you're making a good impact. It should be something to be proud of.

Which i am BTW welcome to the top 5 "Hated" list Biggrin


holy crap, I'm #3. That's awesome!!!


i could care if i am on your enemies list or not, sometimes players add me as a target to beat or exp, so it does bot matter


some people do like I used to do. Gangmates on the friends list and friends/exp on the enemies list.


I dunno, I use the enemies list as an easy way to track anyone I hit regularly. So if I'm on a lot of enemy lists, I figure I must give decent xp for those people, since I probably haven't offended them. If I had, I'm also sure I'd be getting hospitalised, not put on an enemy list... :s
I know I want more friends then enemies. But it not something that bothers me when I see someone added me to their blacklist.
Some people CARE too much
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