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Or whenever i am in downtown Dec i always get crap payouts on Steal a sports car

but when i go to underground i get good payouts
I think that the more expensive district your in the better the crime payouts.
Nicer Cars!
I get the same pay outs no matter the district.


Well that is just you ive have just noticed this now
Hmm. You've done 100 sports car crimes in downtown and 100 sports car crimes in underground?


I dunno but ive done alot but not in one specific place.
You should do a few days in one area and a few days in another area, and give us the results. =D


ok ill start with Downtown after i finish my war then the next day ill do Underground


So what do you get in RL when you do it? See in Mayfair you're gonna get a lot more nicer cars than down the Old Kent road lol
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