2006.Nov.03, 03:44 AM
New combat code. A complete rewrite of the combat code by our favorite silent admin Err. This rewrite was necessary for future additions to Awakened Lands, and should result in some interesting results in combat. While it currently looks similar to the old combat system, it is very different underneath. Differences include:
- Maximum bust time for getting yourself out of jail has changed. It's now based on level and stats instead of a flat 200 minutes.
- Added current stats to gym page.
- Fixed formatting issue with composing mail where previously sent mails had incorrect border.
- Very minor change to how gym gains are calculated. Any differences will most likely be in the players favor. Reformatted player-report page.
- Various typo fixes to crime text.
- Added an extremely insignificant daily amount of reputation to the lowly police training ranks instead of having zero. The increase is not going to have everyone switching over to the police department suddenly, but at least there is some sort of rep increase.
- Failing a jail-bust attempt where the cops are "too close" costs half the normal action point cost (1/6th instead of 1/3). You now only need 1/3rd your action points rounded up to be able to attempt a jail-bust (previously 1/2 your max action points).
- The minimum bail price is now $250.
- Fixed a minor issue where busting players with low jail times could be more difficult than it should be.
- Fixed loophole where an unverified account could post in the forums. Now in order to post in the forums for new accounts, they need to activate.
- Added some market information to the credit market.
- Adding new credits to the market will have the default price be the market rate rather than just a flat $200. This price is changed the normal way, but will help remind players what the market rate is.
- Fixed formatting issues on the credit add portion of the market. Sellers will be notified their credits were purchased as usual, but now will keep the purchaser anonymous.
- Fixed bug with Gang Surveillance failure text. Thank you Lostangel.
- Fixed 2 errors in the help tutorial and 1 error in the game rules Thanks to Mr. 6x6 for finding these after he quit =)
- Added Rural Estate to house list. Availabe in the Rural District.
- One click combat bugs are fixed thanks to the silent admin Err.
- Fixed error where winner always had full health, and where players always hit.
- Altered formatting of combat to improve readability.
- One-click combat now eliminates hesitation and XP loss due to running (or accidentally clicking off combat).
- Fixed bug where using a food item to restore your health would not work correctly if if put you over max health.
- Fixed bug in combat where if you didn't have enough energy to attack someone it would say you needed <blank> energy.
- Hesitation has been scrapped in favor of one-click combat. This is in no means permanent, we are using it for a trial run. Well, the test failed miserably, too many bugs. To be continued very soon.
- Tweaked the hesitation script for combat.
- Running from combat has new penalties. You no longer lose 100% of your experience points, but you will still lose a healthy chunk. You will also be sent to the hospital, as your opponent gets a free shot at your unprotected back.
- Added a tiny little property for the poor.
- Gang names and gang tags will now be restricted to certain characters to prevent future abuse.
- Minor formatting tweaks to new combat code.
- Gang Respect can now be earned from organized crimes. Successfully completing an organized crime can earn varying amounts of respect points for your gang. Failing an organized crime will not earn or remove repect at this time.
- Added last 25 bank transactions (Deposits and Withdrawals) to the bank page.
- Gang Listing page is now sorted by respect rating.
- Cleaned up gang listing formatting.
- Altered damage for weapons to be closer to the old combat code. Most will see an INCREASE in damage.
New combat code. A complete rewrite of the combat code by our favorite silent admin Err. This rewrite was necessary for future additions to Awakened Lands, and should result in some interesting results in combat. While it currently looks similar to the old combat system, it is very different underneath. Differences include:
- Initiative roll to determine who gets to strike first, modified by a player's Dexterity rating.
- Gang wars will take into account the strength of your gang. Players with many members close to their level will benefit, having a ringer will not be factored in.
- Defenders who are in gangs will have a slight "back-up" modifier. Players attacking gang members on their own or while in a group will be at a slight disadvantage since you are attacking on "the defender's turf". Gang wars however ignore this advantage and follow the previous rule.
- Armor resistance is based on the armor worn, and your Resistance rating. The better your Resistance rating, the better you can utilize your armor.
- Combat lasts longer. The longer it lasts, the more of a chance the cops might catch you both by surprise.