2008.Oct.08, 03:02 PM
2008.Oct.09, 05:19 AM
i had my fun, but maybe i think i might possibly quit when i reach 365 days old, so i only have about a month left of playing i think depending how things go for me here, then it will be bye-bye, i hope i will be missed even tho i have been a terrior at times 

2008.Oct.09, 05:49 AM
the thing i love about AL, is there is no pressure, you can retire for say ay ear and come back to your account exactly the way you left it, it will ALWAYS be there for your return... so in a way you never lose what you put your hard work into.. same with runescape, i quit that about 1 and a half years ago, and i sold all my things on it, have liek 6m cash, and that will never be deleted, i could sell it in the future etc. So im not worried about quitting.. i have quit before lol, i quit for a year and now im back =D as you can see my lvl is bad for my id being in the 4k haha
2008.Oct.09, 06:20 AM
I pay to play WoW. And haven't donated to this game. It's a great game to play between refreshes and it's kinda cheap. Sorry to hear your leaving Triad.