good i got some more inactive list
i also got inactive list but it is not complete..
maybe this will help some people
but i gotta say that yo have done a well done job *thumbs up.
Those players are not all downtown...
Caine [1284] lvl 31 not 20 and his last activity was 4 days ago
DirkDanja Wrote:Caine [1284] lvl 31 not 20 and his last activity was 4 days ago
He's in underground, not downtown either.
I haven't checked them in awhile, but if you find anything wrong let me know.
1736 QuitHit4Cash 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1839 Ashfoot 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2875 kakashi 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
5097 Daniel07 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
22208 Jons39 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25236 UltraJerk 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25237 DiscoFairy 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25702 1knighking 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25887 harley 4 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4221 Vision 5 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
6149 Affandi 5 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25169 CreepyPunk 5 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25180 dumbass 5 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25583 bobo72 5 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25362 lilmissemzy 6 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2943 gravymasher 7 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
11744 69shelby 7 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
14736 yanksrule 7 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
25425 DCruzDM 7 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
8966 camster 8 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
9493 MickeyMouse 9 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
9558 Mattsmith 9 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
19318 jdavies 9 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
6045 Jellyzilla12 10 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
6234 MrBean 10 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
9605 Woody 10 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
9776 HolyDriver 10 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1554 Hospitalize Me 11 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2603 Player917 11 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
10009 addai29 11 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
12180 Osyrus 11 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
14165 Alien4LyFe 11 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
3232 katana4 12 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4487 RIP 12 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4677 Tiki 12 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
5709 MrJaplo 12 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
5975 DragonRyuuzaki 12 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1925 CouchMonkey 13 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2095 Otto 13 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2351 BungalowBilly 13 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
3760 Maul 13 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4583 AstroGuardian 13 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
8693 HeadyCloNe 13 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1815 TwoDogs 14 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2690 mOnaLisA 14 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
3835 Demolition 14 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2533 Havok 15 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2873 BOUNTYHUNTER 15 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4921 Sorrow 15 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
10824 ironhide 15 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
14494 Chokelahoma 15 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1447 Monte Alban 16 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
3465 mrwonderful 16 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
6723 Stunderbuttz 16 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2399 Tierra 17 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
17396 Amy 17 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
3974 steven2006 18 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
5438 HellScream 18 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
9714 Cyclonus 18 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
1835 samfisher 19 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
5051 TheEngineer 19 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
9020 Humandecoy 19 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
5050 Valsecchi 20 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1720 Scipio 21 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
2684 NightShade 21 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
2655 DarkTempler 23 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
2887 Svartur 23 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4512 Ares 23 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
4148 Ohm 26 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
6510 DanusMaximus 27 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1046 Sam I Am 28 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1073 Berry 30 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
1399 Lostangel 30 Female Inactive Downtown Decatur
1048 Sarge 35 Male Inactive Downtown Decatur
Thor Wrote:Those players are not all downtown...
haven't check the list for a just puting
all my inactive list

(2008.Nov.06 04:26 AM)yamin244 Wrote: [ -> ]Thor Wrote:Those players are not all downtown...
sorry...sorry..i haven't check the list for a just puting all my inactive list 
great link to make the game funner so theres less possible xp loss and online attacks