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Full Version: Exodus poll
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Since the old Xpats members staged the walkout,w00k and Loki etc retired,have you missed them?
Are They Famous? :?
If you are looking for someone to rely on, w00k is definitely one of the person.

On his final days, I know he busted a lot of players out of jail. Not a bad way to leave the game.


Actually yes i do, i hate to see anyone leave the AL community.


Quitters smfh

Bring back all inactives...that would really liven the game up


Hah you know what would be fun.Once the inactives hit a year of inactivity,open their accounts up to be sold to the highest bidder lmao


The only problem with that idea Biff is what if they choose to return to action and find they have no account...i'd be miffed


Yeah I was saying it would be funny....for us lol.

Do you think the game still has its drama now they have all gone though?


Kinda sorta but its never the same when great players and shit stirrers quit
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