Out of curiosity, if Psy was to return to RAGE as pres how many of former RAGE members would come back?
:shock: 8)

:x :cry: :wink:
Can I hosp both of you for wasting my 5 seconds spent reading this post?
if you werent a former member why did you read? LMAO
I like my new position in 7Laws
although RAGE/Poison Clan was a cool gang
I crave gang activity an 7Laws provides that
as do i, i do like being part of seven laws...just curiosity thats all
The 2 founding members are both in 7Laws plus 1 other.
Yea but the most loyal member of RAGE is still in it.

Damn! i didnt kow that was you 90orajano... COOL WHats up bro LMAO. And yes i have to admit Mock is the most loyal member of RAGE and i have had the pleasure of raising him, and now he has passed me in level LMAO.
CollardGreen is one of my recruits to the Poison Clan gang until it became RAGE and he has proved his loyalty to me and Psy as well as Mock
I was just tired of the way our warring went, i mean an hour to take down a four or five man gang is just crazy ridiculous