Did you know you can use credits to get out of Jail? Just hit the donate link and then use the link to the donation house within. It only costs 25 credits. If you already knew this just keep in mind some of us are slower than others.

HAH! I figured that out today, so I think I am slower.
You actually use real money with Pay-Pal ?? It's a GAME !!!!!
I just mean ; I personally don't have a surplus for THAT kind of thing but if YOU do ; more power to ya .....
it's just as easy to buy credits with money earned from crimes. You don't HAVE to spend real money.
Glad you set the record str8 ......had me worried for a mo' . :roll: :shock:

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 15:02, talk about a reserection!
If you're gonna QUOTE somone , make sure you mention the author . case and point ; that was one of Abraham Lincolns' ! Life is to Serious to be SHORT all the time ! ~~~ Ray Alex Perry ~~~
Stunderbuttz Wrote:If you're gonna QUOTE somone , make sure you mention the author . case and point ; that was one of Abraham Lincolns' ! Life is to Serious to be SHORT all the time ! ~~~ Ray Alex Perry ~~~
~~~ Stunderbuttz ~~~