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Full Version: Free MudPies!
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off topic
ShadowGuard..Just stop, already..Everyone gets off topic once in a while, and it's fine to..But they tend to get right back on topic in the next post or so..

Mudpies..? Bring him back from Fed, or just get him out of TriadGimp's gang?


In reply to you SG. Sometimes its just so hard to follow everything that goes on in the forums. I will usually try to keep things on topic in the beginning of threads. It's just too much work sometimes to keep going and editing, you just have to let the topic go in the direction people are taking it.

Personally if I see a topic that has some merit to it, I would like to try to keep it going in the right direction, those are usually the topics I would mod. Many other topics IMO are pointless so I won't really care what happens, unless it starts becoming an argument between just two people.
Bag on Mudpies.........he's toast..........


off topic.
BlackJeep was a good guy if you got to know him.... i was friends with him since i started this game.

Mudpies also was a cool dude.i say we hold a candle light vigil to remember the days of yore.

or just for the hell of it ZENITH, can you make a fed jail gang and put G2,Muddy,Jeep and CSJ in it... maybe some others... im sure thats what they would want.


I thought all of them to be entertaining players and I got along with all of them.
I didn't care much for any of them.


Blackjeep was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to sensitive about his race and religion if anything had a slight bit of black init he would scream racism and if you were to say stuff about the jews he would shout something else.

Mudpies cool guy had run-in's with him on forum and in game but he made the game enjoyable for me.

CSJ same with mudpies but a bit more of a joker so to speak.
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