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Full Version: Player ending an account and starting anew rehash...
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I dont suppose any of these players are in the Retirment Dist. are they? If so does that mean their ex-character will once again be free for citizen abuse? Wink
Starting new with the conditions listed seems like a grand idea. Go for it!


I'm good for it too and I agree with Howl, if old character is "forfeited" then it has to be moved out of retirement district. Give it a week or 2 if you don't want players to link the old with the new.


Why would someone be worried about an old enemy sneaking up on them if they are a lvl 30+ and the enemy is a lvl 5 noob who really knows what they're doing so that way they could get stronger in a hurry...ok i see the point lol who wants to be pwnd by a old noob


sounds good might do it if its getting done


Wow drop dead




I think it would be great. I also think the player should be allowed to have their items. you said a year old. I don't think someone would con someone out of something and then wait a year. Then start a new account.
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