In some district where you can buy credits. They would have a limited supply every day. The credit market jumps around a lot and it would be nice to have some sort of regulator.
I would agree to this. If the CR selling in this Credit store is base on the Market Price.
Kinda defeats the point of the credit market doesn't it?
Boo hiss on this idea.
Let folks get what they can for credits they have.
well in some games there is a limit on how much you can sale them for, i have bought and sold on the market so it really does not matter either way
this thread stinks. let the market dictate the price. if they'er too spendy they won't sell.
If there was a store that sold credits it would lower the price by default for those selling on the market.
Screw a credit store...we already have the credit market
And the trade moderator. And a mail system. And friends.
DirkDanja Wrote:Screw a credit store...we already have the credit market
zenith Wrote:If there was a store that sold credits it would lower the price by default for those selling on the market.
Which would aggravate a lot of people I'm sure

I've seen the market get down as low as 220, and as high as 270. I dont complain, I just dont buy from the market when it's high. By having a credit store, it would literally eliminate the profits people try to make on the credit market.