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you can almost feel the tension
it's electrifying
Lucky666 Wrote:you can almost feel the tension
it's electrifying

i wanted to say something about valuable use of EP, but i wont. i prefer to keep my mouth close
alinutza Wrote:i wanted to say something about valuable use of EP, but i wont. i prefer to keep my mouth close
that to :wink:
might be painful


alinutza Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:please keep it here, i love reading it over and over, some really good stuff here

what's so good in this thread? i cant find anything, except for the title

then go to anouther and do not read this one, problem solved for you


omg this thread is so awesomes!
Zen and Howl are conspiring! Where is err?


Ushanewnewba Wrote:Zen and Howl are conspiring! Where is err?
You should really be careful what you do with your account when sleeping :wink:
7630 g2o2d4wp 40 291 Brutalized by Conrad.
7500 ^Spaced^ Conrad 39 199 Brutalized by g2o2d4wp.

How'd that happen?


Off topic Tomi

Anyways, very nice hit Howl, taking Ush down in healthy!

Still waiting on verification from Err.
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