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I just realised I don't actually know the answer to this, and I've been assuming it all along.

Are stats efficiencies calculated based on total devs, or stat levels? By which I mean, does going from lv 30-31 give a bigger difference to you than going from 20-21, or is it effectively the same?

I always assumed it was devs, but I realised it could actually be levels, meaning that as you get up into the 50's it's a hell of a lot of training for the same result as you'd get down in the 20's.


I think your latter point is correct, and a point of contention amongst now retired players...
I believe that it's the amount of dev points you have, and that stat levels are just a way of measuring it. Since just having the total dev point count can be disheartening.

The bottleneck effect comes into play on the higher levels of stats, and then the middleclass people can get a way of feeling that they are catching up.


Well, this is the thing... does anyone know either way for sure? Because it seems like most people are split between the two- like I said, total devs was what I thought for a long time till I thought about it, and it actually makes some kind of sense- think about careers and skills, and how they work. To gain a skill level is quick at first, but gets gradually harder- but gaining a lv from 5-6 or 0-1 gives the same benefit- say a weapon skill gives you a 10% boost, it's going to be the same gain at any point.

Same with career levelling, each time it gets harder to upgrade job rank, but the amount of extra points per hour worked goes up at the same rate each time.

So, my guess would be that it's actually the level- so if you have someone with 50 acc and 10 for all other stats, against someone with maybe 30/40 in each stat- the first guy has way more devs, but I think the 2nd guy would have the actual advantage.
LordSkie Wrote:Well, this is the thing... does anyone know either way for sure?

Zenith. Should have Dru move the topic to the support staff part of the forum and let Zenith make it sure for you.


I didn't think she gave away game mechanics to people... or does she? As far as I know, those kinda things are either figured out, guessed or remain a secret.
well think of it this way

when you levelled from 34 to 35, was it as big a difference as when you levelled from 10 to 11? probably not. the same is the same for stat points. more work for one level gain.


That's exactly why I'm thinking of it as being the case. But has it been proven one way or another? Does training say halfway to lv 51 from 50 give ANY benefit whatsoever until you hit the 51 mark?
the level you are in the stat, and how many dev points you have .
Stat ranks are checked first.
If there is a tie, dev points are looked at to break the tie.
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