1. You head off to the Decatur International Airport in search of some unsuspecting victims.
2. You bypass the simple easy marks for something more your style, the Airport Security.
3. You snoop around and find a security watch room with the door ajar.
Result: You hear voices as you slide the door open, and notice a couple of agents distracted as they watch video of a porn on the security tapes. You sneak off with a security payment envelope with some major cash totalling $2025!!
That's GOT to be top end for that crime.. I'm usually in the just past 1000 for that
Yeah thats my best ever
for quantitative data:
Steal a luxury car 260 7 293 88.7 % $141,240 $482.05
Steal a luxury car 600 19 707 84.9 % $323,366 $457.38
that's with increased dex, acc, and level, so I also agree with the recession theory.
Echothrice Wrote:for quantitative data:
Steal a luxury car 260 7 293 88.7 % $141,240 $482.05
Steal a luxury car 600 19 707 84.9 % $323,366 $457.38
that's with increased dex, acc, and level, so I also agree with the recession theory.
thats not a recession,,look at your crimes attempted,then relate those to the actual success'..your percentage is lower because you failed more....you failed over 100 times in september,,you failed just over 30 in august..
Aug Steal a sports car 1,197 22 1,376 87.0 %
Sep Steal a sports car 757 13 886 85.4 %
Although the % is down slightly, you have to add in what happiness level you were at when you committed your crimes. I know that I am not always 100% myself.
Jun 2008 85.6 %
July 2008 86.1 %
Aug 2008 86.2 %
Sep 2008 85.5 %
BlitzKrieg Wrote:That's GOT to be top end for that crime.. I'm usually in the just past 1000 for that
Its close but I've got $2083 and so have a few others.
Howlsong Wrote:Its close but I've got $2083 and so have a few others.
Insurance Fraud 11 1 17 64.7 % $11,500 $676.47 332 242
Forgery 27 1 37 73.0 % $29,415 $795.00 985 208
Insurance Fraud 14 0 20 70.0 % $13,621 $681.05 488 0
Forgery 34 0 43 79.1 % $35,137 $817.14 1,259 0
that makes sense?
Ins fraud, 23 AP. Forgery, 25 AP.
Higher success rate, lower jail rate for the higher AP crime :?: