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Full Version: I'm Bored now and QUIT
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~X~ Loneninja Userid: 18121 Level: 15
X Factor

You aren't slick. Plus, I don't have to take you off my list. I'm just going to stop hospitalizing you once you're out of the X family. Smile


Sorry buddy I am gunna leave but Im in hospital for the next 130+ mins and cant leave gang while im in.
You aren't even on my list. I just found that out.


oh i just though i might of been Ive got 6 enemies and thought i had 5


sry, the 6th person on ur enemies list is probably me


oh ok well sorry for offending you too in the proceedings I am going to be a true LONE-ninja from now on.


How much XP do you give Lone? Twisted


Why's that cookie?


Because I'm curious...
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