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Full Version: Question about the courses
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aww, come on. you're gonna have to ask more nicely than that.


oh Matt.. who are great, wonderful and really not bad at all.. the most generous imparter of knowledge.. i beg.. no implore you to dish the dirt on the energy stealing scam.. please Biggrin


OK, well I can aquiest to this request and divulge a part of my ancient lore. The secret is in but three easy steps. firstly, thou shalt bathe in goatsmilk for 2 hours, no more no less. second, turn on thine computing device on 11th day of the 11th month at 11:11 (pm). lastly, turn thyself 4 times and click in the bottom left of the screen. after doing this you shall come to a new and wonderful paradise where you may attack others while remaining in thine haven, where you may purchase a caravan to live in, providing joyous times, and where there is an option on player's profiles to "steal energy" just to the left of the attack option.


i shall try on the 11th
i think the topic has meet its death some time ago Razz
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