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Full Version: The Incident
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Yeah...all I need is my good Gas Mask, and I'll be there too. I need some Uber weapons for my gang...Muwhahaha Twisted
All I have to say is: Biggrin
Twisted Twisted
zen's the best
i'm not leaveing the industrial district till i find me some green duds Twisted Twisted
what if.. someone stim them out from the hospital...

What do you think might happened?
stim them out?who?
like sending them stims or useing career pts?
What happen when Biondi leave the hospital???
Start a new special day???
A new competition/gymboree/contest with unique weapon????
Oh no, EMO invasion

[Image: Emo.jpg]
Gornikel Wrote:Oh no, EMO invasion

[Image: Emo.jpg]
where? where? let me at them!!!!
i'll slice them all
glory to the horde!!! death to the emos
Lucky666 Wrote:stim them out?who?
like sending them stims or useing career pts?

They won't use stims. More so.. with career pt.

I wonder if that's possible.
Lol end the emos. Goths rule!
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