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Hospitalizations are getting to the point of being rediculous. People are calling for villians yet some players are continuously hospitalized for being just that for some players. True some people deserve it but some happen to learn and have appologized and still spend the day in the hospital. Where were all of you when I spent my first week on here being hospitalized repeatedly? The reason I'm on here as much as I am is to try and catch up with the next guy that has it out for me. A little competition and a few enemies makes the game interesting. All this babysitting is making things bland imo.


That's what it's like being an evil doer. You either get over it or be a good boy.
That's why I wanted a high powered evil doer who has the economy to take some hits.


could not agree more mudds
Ok, I'll just keep stimming. Thanks :wink:


this game needs antagonists...

keep it up


how about no evil doer? i was level 4 when Bigrod Hosped me for a very long ass time i was about ready to quit the game we really dont need ass holes going around hosping people everyday. thats not fun for any1 except the Evil doer.


BigRedRaper Wrote:how about no evil doer? i was level 4 when Bigrod Hosped me for a very long arse time i was about ready to quit the game we really dont need arse holes going around hosping people everyday. thats not fun for any1 except the Evil doer.

You are still here.Did not quit.Saya alot.Bigrod may have made you think you wanted to quit but in truth he probably made you hang around.


Don'i you hate noob hosper's or something?


Everyone's calling for a bit of action but when someone steps to the plate and tries to stir things up a bit certain players whinge like little bitches and/or puts them in hosp.
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