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emocakes Wrote:already there boss. Wink

ssshhhhh, your disrupting the classroom :shock:


how can ya set a bot up for AL?? wtf


If anyone is botting then they should be banned permanently form AL! ALot of us players would love to get higher but botting IS CHEATING!!!!! Anyone who cheats shoudl be booted!
I think trained monkies would come under account sharing rather than botting.
Let him have his own account, animal rights, you fiend!


I dont give a f*&k whether its account sharing or botting both are CHEATING and if you have to cheat on a game then your just a nancy Bitch anyway! Zen should BOOT you and anyone who disagrees is probably cheating themselves
I agree. Ban all people who play with a monkey, it's sick and wrong!


Weathers your a bit of a prat really aint ya! Starnge ive seen more than one account with the name weathers someone cheating loser
Yes, I am a prat.
And if you think I'm using multiple accounts I recommend you inform Zen.

Let's not fight. Just let me love you.


volcomjurk7 Wrote:how can ya set a bot up for AL?? wtf

I had a friend who was really awesome at coding before he quit MMORPG's. This is the first one I've ever played without a captcha. I get lost once you start a sentence with the word 'code' but I know he could make one for about anything he ever wanted. The only reason he would get caught would be because he wanted to test the detecting abilities of the admins.

In a single game he never got caught using:
an auto-attacker
an auto-banker
an auto-scanner to find when people sold off.

Then he confessed and helped the admin be able to detect the stuff.
shock the monkey
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