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Full Version: Prizes for the 28th - FINISHED
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JaySin Wrote:this is rigged. lol
I would really not think so, I must've got them in at about the first second or two.. either way, that was entertaining. Biggrin

JaySin Wrote:lol wat a bastard!!!! o well nice one Koko good luck guys wats the next round?

yo, let me send the items back

whoever sends me a mail at 3:00 get another 10k.

again, let me know if you guys want a print screen..
as i have gained 2 enemis in just few minutes, i invite one of them, at least, to send me a mail or tio mug me if they have the guts...and probably get a prize too
CrazyFoley [19385] RE:(No Subject) NEW! 3:00 pm

Kokozama [4965] awww.... lag NEW! 3:00 pm

Breez [25974] RE:RE:(No Subject) NEW! 3:00 pm

T444e [2411] (No Subject) 3:00 pm

Tess [20641] hi NEW! 3:00 pm

Brugada [25435] mail NEW! 3:00 pm

blitzwing [11189] (No Subject) NEW!

MrSinister [17348] GreenBeans NEW! 3:00 pm

Kokozama [4965] Beef Jerky was delicious NEW! 3:00 pm

Conan [2366] CASH! Biggrin NEW! 3:00 pm

Batman [20283] for contest SmileSmileSmile NEW! 3:00 pm

CrazyFoley [19385] RE:RE:3:00 pm 2:59 pm

T444e [2411] Happy B-day!! NEW!

WINNER: Batman.

the rest get 2k, except Crazyfoley..he got 2k already
you guys lack Imagination lol
JaySin Wrote:you guys lack Imagination lol

Subject : GreenBeans

Along with great taste green beans have great nutritional value!

Green beans are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. They are a good source of vitamin A and an excellent source of vitamin C, and 3/4 of a cup of is only 25 calories.

How to grow green beans in your home garden
Green beans are the second most popular home garden vegetable after tomatoes. It's easy to see why. They are relatively easy care and give off a good yield. Green bean growing basics. Green bean seeds like warm soil. Don't plant any seeds until all danger of frost has passed and the soil temperature remains above 65 degrees.

Thanksgiving Dinner
Last Thanksgiving was the first Thanksgiving meal I've ever cooked, at the tender age of 48. I'd always had a parent's house to go to, or a friends house, or had gone to a restaurant/buffet for Thanksgiving with friends. I am now married and between my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law and myself we decided that I'd be responsible for Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily there are only eight of us.

i also got some phone numbers. thanks girls. i will call you back
General Info
Name: Batman [20283] (i change my name in Flash)
28-09-2008 Winner:The person who send the first mail to SlimCharles.


alinutza Wrote:i also got some phone numbers. thanks girls. i will call you back

I called dibs on Tess
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