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Might be a glitch for when you came back from the Retirement District.


Weird, never happened before. I want a tag eitherway.


TommiTheTaco Wrote:Might be a glitch for when you came back from the Retirement District.

could be
13243 }DIS{ SealClubber 24 2436 Caught attacking deadmanbren


I want a tag and a free bust, 2500 minutes, or close to 2 days jail time.

Bren should also get one for first to 125, Grats Bren!


Yeah, it took some hard work. Thanks man. I'll open sales up for the items when they're produced. Any offers?

You don't need a tag for announcing to the game your glitch.

You should get banned for exploiting it. [/joke]

That does need to be fixed, though. That's really weird. You try attacking anyone yet?
Combatants Howlsong deadmanbren
Level During Fight 47 65
Starting Health 1806 Fair Condition
Hits 10 0
Best Hit 424 0
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 0 2,093
Total Damage Resisted 0 10
Total Damage Taken 0 2,083



Just Zerked him and hit him for 586!!!


I have no armour/weapons...I'll try slapping you up though, district?
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