I need some input from other gang prez's.
What does it take to get the "BIG" players to join and stay in your gang. Im talking like level 20+ guys that love to war, but also they arent in it for the "MONEY".
Not to sure what is meant by the GCB = Gang combat Bonus?..But you ask a really good question, This seems to be the hard thing to do, I just try to make friends with them, and hope that they stay. Us mid-level gangs, do not have as much to offer as the big gangs. But i always seem to lose the high levels to gangs that offer them more or have more money.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:GCB. [end]
not neccessarily true, we have 0 GCR and we're doing fine.
i've never had anyone leave my gang to go to a bigger/more reputable gang except for shadow warlords. everyone either starts their own or helps out a friends gang.
it's tough to fidn the right peoplebut you gotta cycle people out, if they're inactive boot'em and keep the cycle going.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:GCB. [end]
Want elaborate on that little bit? Exactly how does that come into play?
Gang Combat Bonus/Rating.
It's fun beating people.

People like having the upper hand, no matter how they get it. Getting into a bigger gang gets you said advantages.

well i have a GCR of 2 but i guess that seems small to some gangs lol
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Gang Combat Bonus/Rating.
It's fun beating people.
People like having the upper hand, no matter how they get it. Getting into a bigger gang gets you said advantages. 
thanks, and yes it is fun beating people.
+2 GCB is a good start.
I think most of the stronger players in this game have decided that they are happy with their current situations. Some Dark Matter castaways might still be floating around out there, though.
Good luck!