Has anybody else noticed it, that's one hot chick

Ha. My little soldiers have some class. XD
She's got missile silo nipples, though..And Sasquatch crotch.

TommiTheTaco Wrote:She's got missile silo nipples, though..And Sasquatch crotch. 
Thats disgraceful, Fedjail them all
did you just find out now that chopper is a total perv??.. the funny thing is he is totally proud of it, lol... i didnt think he would have gone that far tho, chopper you really need to give it a brake dude,
he has now took down the porn picture from his gang discription, he just realised everyone knows what a perv he really is.. its ok chopper, we dont mind you being a total perv, no need to hide the real you dude :roll:
falkon Wrote:he has now took down the porn picture from his gang discription, he just realised everyone knows what a perv he really is.. its ok chopper, we dont mind you being a total perv, no need to hide the real you dude :roll:
What's with the boost of self confidence Triadboy?
Not knowing you, I'd say you just came out of therapy or something.
Grats on the "liking yourself" part.

falkon Wrote:he has now took down the porn picture from his gang discription, he just realised everyone knows what a perv he really is.. its ok chopper, we dont mind you being a total perv, no need to hide the real you dude :roll:
He didn't have a choice :wink: