Martial Arts
Post you thoughts here for what you would like to see added to your career options.
I'd like to see once you have say level 10 in construction you being able to build your own home!
Politicians should be able to swindle the public funds at career level 8.
Medical should be able to make 15min stim packs and sell them on the market at level 8.
Manufacturing should be able to customize armor or weapons.Perhaps adding stats to the item with their CP.[/quote]
How about cross career benefits?
Level 5 in both medical AND Science and you can make the cheapest Borg implants (and implant them) at 1/10th cost
Levl 10 you can make the mid level implants and implant them at 1/10th
Level 15 in both and you can make the best borg implants at 1/10th?
For a house I'd say you'd need 5/5 manufacturing and construction to build the houses in Downtown
8/8 to build the industrial
10/10 to build the next
15/15 to build the next and
20/20 to build the next...
Too big of jumps for either. It takes a good while to get to level 8, let alone 20.
The benefits are pretty beneficial.
Imagine building a midlan villa at 350K?
You'd probably earn enough cash to get it at regular price before you got it with the careers.

I just think the career's are lame right now.I know they are being looked at so here is players chance to scream there idea's to the admin's.
Bearing in mind if it is a good idea it will be overlooked as someone else thought of it first XD
I still say Law Enforcement should be brought back.
i would like to repair my hideout with engineering and use the hardening ability with construction at the same time. or maybe.... break people out of jail (politician) and stim people out (medical) at the same time. without these options, it makes us limited to 1 skill/career forever.
it's liek saying... ooooh i think i'm gonna get hospitalized today, maybe i should switch over to the hospital field. or... ohhh man i feel like bubbas gonna rape me in jail today, i should become a politician.
i'm pretty sure i've been requesting thisr for the past year and was told it was a great idea but uh.... seems like a no go.
Yeah It'd be GREAT to be able to use whatever career levels you have even if you are in another career at the time.
BUT at the same time, I get like 100 career points p/day in one career and like 15 in another so not sure how that'd go over...
Would have to have some way to spend career points that you have in that career only??
How about a "Locksmith" job title. You could use your talents to first bust people from jail under say 30 minutes. As the levels increase you could use your points to assist your gang in doing a bank job. All crimes for that matter can be enhanced in success with the more training you do. When you start achieving level 8 plus your ability could do so much as increase your hideouts defese by securing it. T level 10 you would be able to break into someones bank and steal say 5 percent of their money. Possibilites are endless