2008.Sep.01, 08:17 AM
Pages: 1 2
2008.Sep.01, 10:01 AM
Iloveyoulongtime Wrote:It is pretty gay though hospitalizing someone just because they didn't want/need your services.Maybe us noobs should have a revolt against the higher people.I mean some of use would be taken down but if we worked hard enough i think we could take down these bitches!Go ahead zerk me or any other higher level player. I doubt you would even hit us
2008.Sep.01, 11:33 AM
People can hospitalize you for whatever reason they feel like.
2008.Sep.05, 08:50 PM
UltimateFighter......your sad reality is that you and all noobs couldn't even scratch anyone with a level of 20 or higher....just like my reality is I couldn't harm wOOk or Raf or Loki......thats the way it is kid....get used to it....
2008.Sep.05, 09:24 PM
UltimateFighter likes to talk like he's something..He's done it to others on the forum and in the game. It's a sad thing..Reminds me of myself back when I started.
Oh well..He'll learn how I learned.

2008.Sep.05, 10:06 PM
Maybe I should hosp him for fun......
2008.Sep.06, 12:56 AM
hawaiian Wrote:but he demanded that i apologize to him u know.Well if he demanded that you apologize to him you'd better do it since he demanded. ...or....tell him to suck it. :o
I didn't want to take the time to switch back and forth reading who wrote what and when either. If you repost it in chronological order and make your msgs red and his msgs blue I'll read it and give a better opinion. Let's meet back here in five minutes. Okay.............GO!
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