energy refresh will cost me 104 credits level 33
whats that around 3.2 creds for 1 energy?
so rod would be spending around 138 per refresh?If so after 10 it jumps about 40%. that would be over 200 creds a refresh.
he has been online for what 4 thats 24 attacks off his 600+
Im guessing after 15 refreshs it increases again....
So who has the brains to go figure how many credits he has used this last 24 hours :shock:
um he said he spent a lil over 54k in creds
Or over 3 endurance for him........... What a waste
depends on your definition of waste... if he's quitting the game, then 3 endurance would actually be the waste, this at least gives him a last big hurrah.
Of course, if he ever decides to come back he may regret that hurrah, since he's just blown what... at least $12.5mil AL at a low price, and probably a lot more indeed.
Meh, let the man play the game as he pleases. To gripe about how he uses his credits is teh uber lamerz
mudpies Wrote:Meh, let the man play the game as he pleases. To gripe about how he uses his credits is teh uber lamerz
Not a gripe.I marvel at the severity of the cost and drool at the thought of all those creds going to waste.I will clear the saliva later

That wasn't directed solely at you.
It's only a waste if he didn't have fun. And as far as I can tell, he had a blast. Sucks for everyone he put in the hosp though.
I wonder if he would have leveled if he didn't hosp.

lol well if he was tryin to get his name remembered forever i think his mission was accomplished that was madness. did any1 try and stop BigRods Path of Mayhem? probably wouldnt of mattered if he was "wasting" his credits for full energy he would of just stimmed out and used creds for health refresh
thats the most hosping ive ever seen in any game. its just to bad he took a break it would of been a great ScreenShot had he hosped all 600 when he 1st started hosping and didnt seperate his hosping sprees lol