Could you detail further how it could work.
new applicants
money donated
money taken
members left
GPs used
i like it at lest you dont have to go searching to see whats happened

is this basically about what i suggested?
Exactly what you suggested poptart. Its just that no one listens to you..

ive been preaching this for over a year....the gang bank transactions needs updated desperately...
*goes to use search feature and bring back necro thread*
sry poptart, i didnt see your thread
havent been around the forums lately.
abysmalpoptart Wrote:is this basically about what i suggested?
Yes and no
All you suggested was to seperate the gang wars from the gang events, Whoa wants to make the gang events noticed like the least thats what I'm gathering from his post.
fair enough, i sorta suggested that months ago too

but i'm all for new threads, it gets more attention