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Full Version: sb1 or p5?
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awesomo Wrote:
ZeonOne Wrote:P5, you only have to focus on Dex and Accuracy Versus the SB-1 where you have to build your strength up for no apprarent reason.

If you do chose the P5, those stats for strength would gvie you an extra 3-4 level in dexterity or accuracy.
stupidity, you still need strength with the p-5, for encumberence ratings etc

the pistol is not very heavy; only 3kg.

let's assume that you don't know what to chose between the sb-1 and the p-5. the only stat you will be sure about is endurance which has to be 20

20 endurance=10kg added to your max weight capacity

if you wear the b4c armor you will need 19 strength, which means another 28.5 kg added to the max weight capacity

38.5 max weight capacity is enough, if you wear the b4c armor. things can get more complicated if you have the minimum strength for the SIC armor and if you want to wear a belt and other items with you...but anyone with 20 endurance should gain enough dvp points to get their strength up in no time


badmanbren Wrote:Strength to carry the gun. You can never build your strength for no reason...Encumberance rate's a major facotr in battles, IMO.

i have heard straight from zens mouth that a person with an encumbrance rate of .99 is the same as having it at .35

she said as long as its under 1.0 that there is no penalty
but if you choose the combat evadion skill, lower encumberence is, the better
awesomo Wrote:but if you choose the combat evasion skill, lower encumberence is, the better

it's enough to be under 1.0
alinutza Wrote:
awesomo Wrote:but if you choose the combat evasion skill, lower encumberence is, the better

it's enough to be under 1.0
but lower it is, the better the skill works.. all im saying, so strength is still needed if you have the p-5 if you decide to get the evasion skill, all im saying ...
awesomo Wrote:but lower it is, the better the skill works.. all im saying, so strength is still needed if you have the p-5 if you decide to get the evasion skill, all im saying ...

i asked Zen about this. she said "Under 1.0"
alinutza Wrote:
awesomo Wrote:but lower it is, the better the skill works.. all im saying, so strength is still needed if you have the p-5 if you decide to get the evasion skill, all im saying ...

i asked Zen about this. she said "Under 1.0"
and so did i, lower, the better...


awesomo Wrote:
alinutza Wrote:
awesomo Wrote:but lower it is, the better the skill works.. all im saying, so strength is still needed if you have the p-5 if you decide to get the evasion skill, all im saying ...

i asked Zen about this. she said "Under 1.0"
and so did i, lower, the better...

so are you saying lower the better in general or lower the better if you chose combat evasion?

when i had asked her, it was before the defensive skills came out. but she did tell me that there was no difference at all between, for example, .99 and .35
buuddha Wrote:lower the better if you chose combat evasion
alinutza Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:lower the better if you chose combat evasion
lower the better in combat evasion, ... i stated combat evasion about 4 posts back
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